The current payment methods available for purchasing products on the website are as follows:


We accept the most common credit cards, including prepaid and rechargeable ones, issued by banks operating in Italy: AMERICAN EXPRESS, VISA, MASTERCARD . You can also use POSTE-PAY credit cards.
All orders, before being processed, undergo authenticity checks directly by the respective credit card issuing institutions to protect the customer. With this payment method, the order will be generated and confirmed via email. You will be assigned an "order number," which you can use for any further communication with . If there are no issues, the order will be delivered within the next 8 business days, with the merchandise being shipped via the designated courier.
In the event that the order cannot be confirmed and/or accepted by Tescoma, you will be promptly notified via email and/or phone.


You can pay quickly without having to enter your credit card details every time. With the use of PayPal, your banking information will never be shared.
Using PayPal as an online payment tool is secure and free .


By selecting this payment method at the time of your online order, you can make the payment via ADVANCE BANK TRANSFER. You can only make the transfer after receiving the email containing the bank details from Tescoma. The reason for the transfer should include the order number that will be communicated via email.
BPER BANCA - Branch Ospitaletto (BS)
IBAN: IT 80L 05387 54870 0000 42524591
Attention: The bank transfer will be considered valid if made exclusively in the currency within and no later than the following 5 business days from the order confirmation receipt. Tescoma reserves the right to cancel the order if the bank transfer is not received within the mentioned timeframe.
If the amount transferred does not match the order amount, Tescoma will contact you to agree on the necessary steps to proceed with the order processing. We recommend that customers keep a copy of the bank transfer receipt as proof of payment.
In the case of short-term promotions, the bank transfer payment method may not be available.

© Tescoma Spa 2025
Fiscal Code and REG. Imp. BS n. 01873360984
Cap. Soc. € 500.000,00 i.v.
Nr. R.E.A. 363317